溫柔的凝視 影像敘事展 Gaze Into the Street
Photography & Narrative Exhibition
Dates: Jul 30th ~ Aug 28th , 2016
Hours: 14:00~23:00 (Monday off)
Location: Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (in the ally between No. 13 & No. 15 of Jian Shan Street, Hsinchu City)
Photographer: Michael Geier
一天當中,你最喜歡北門街的哪個時段?或許是清晨,或許是正午,或許是傍晚,或許是深夜……一位來自奧地利的攝影師Michael Geier,與一位剛剛搬到新竹的古蹟策展人,一個是異鄉人,一個是新住民,他們從這個題目開始,用上千張的影像與溫柔的文字書寫進行跨文化對話,凝視這條大街的新與舊。是衝突?是格格不入?還是共生?我們不曾見過兩百多年前的北門大街,對歷史而言,2016年的我們都是新來者,不管是北門街上的新店家還是世代傳承的家族,我們正在用自己的方式與這條街相處,而我們與它相處的方式正塑造著它未來的面貌。本次展覽中,讓我們都當一次新來者,透過影像與文字書寫,凝視這條你可能熟悉或是陌生的大街。
What is your favorite time of a day on Beimen Street? Perhaps early morning? Noon? Evening? Or late night? ‘Gaze Into the Street’ is an exhibition combining photographic view and narrative view presented by a Taiwan-based Austrian photographer and a heritage curator who just moved to Hsinchu City. Deriving from the question asked, the two outsiders of the city exchanged their views and developed the exhibition through cross-cultural dialogue. The exhibition will show the perspectives of how a foreign resident and a newcomer of the city ‘gaze’ into the historical street that is entirely new to them. There have always been disputes on the rapid change of Beimen Street and the new insertions in the neighborhood like most urban areas around the world. Some may like the status or some may feel offended and disturbed. However, no one has really witnessed the 19th century’s prosperity of the grand street as described in history and it made us all newcomers today. B.S. House and Heritage invites people in Hsinchu or from other cities to come and enjoy the moment to slow down and take a good look at the old street with us at ‘Gaze Into the Street.’ The way we live with the street today will become the way it looks like tomorrow.
Organizer: B.S. House & Heritage
Curator: Mingli Lee
Researcher: Su-hui Sung
Designer: Johan Perng
Support: Ministry of Culture, Taiwan
Special thanks to: People of Beimen Street